Residency and Fellowship Programs

Pediatrics Residency Program

Rotation Schedule By Year


The LSU Pediatric Residency Program is a fully-accredited, three-year postgraduate training program.  Each year of training is structured to allow maximum opportunities for growth in clinical abilities appropriate to each resident's level.  Periodic assessments and program content revisions are made in an effort to provide residents with consistently advancing patient-care skills. Our goal is to foster resident integration and heightened interaction among all levels of training.


Individualized Education

Our residency program offers a personalized curriculum for our residents through the inclusion of seven individualized educational units (IEUs) over three years of residency training.  The curriculum is unique for each resident, using specific career tracks to guide residents in rotation selection.  The individualized curriculum is determined by the learning needs and career plans of the resident and is developed with the guidance of a faculty mentor.  Examples of our curriculum tracks include Primary Care, Hospitalist, Emergency Medicine, PICU, NICU, multiple subspecialties, and undecided.