Residency and Fellowship Programs

Medicine - Pediatrics


There are many excellent resources available to our residents, to assist with completing residency and passing board exams.  Some are freely available to everyone, and others have been purchased by the Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics.  Some of these resources are listed below, and you may also consult our Resident Guide.


Medical References

+ Epocrates: pharmacopoeia availalbe on-line or via free mobile app

+ Guideline Central: free applicaiton for mobile devices also available

+ Micromedex: pharmacopoeia sometimes more detailed than epocrates

+ MKSAP: board review content purchased for you by Internal Medicine

+ NEJM: access full content freely via on-campus network or Citrix

+ Pedialink: board review content content purchased for you by Pediatrics

+ PubMed: access via LSUHSC Library to download most articles

+ UpToDate: login via LSUHSC credentials, e.g., lsumc-master\jsmith


Exams, Licensure, Etc.

+ USMLE Step-3 Registration

+ Licensure Process for MD & DEA

+ Fellowship Guide (NMPRA)

+ Fellowship Guide (+Peds)

Other Links

+ National Med-Peds Residents' Association (NMPRA)

+ LSUHSC-NO Department of Internal Medicine

+ LSUHSC-NO Department of Pediatrics

+ LSUHSC-NO Housestaff Association